Here are useful website address for knowing Athens-Clarke County:
1. Athens-Clarke County Guide:
A general information resource about Athens-Clarke county from University of Georgia Libraries. It provides the linkages involving almost all aspects you may think about this county. A very useful database guidance.
website: Athens-Clarke County Guide
2. Northeast Health District
Local information: health program, services, offices, etc. No much detail information, you'd better call the officials directly to get information.
website: Northeast Health District
3. US Census Bureau
Need a table to make numerous numbers more clearly? Here you go. Compare all numbers between counties and average level in the U.S.
website: US Census Bureau
4. Georgia Department of Community Health:
You can enter your county name then search for the information about community health, such as the list of clinics, health program, etc. Their map doesn't have demographic information.
website: Georgia Department of Community Health
5. Online Analytical Statistical Information System (OASIS):
A web-based tools for public health and public policy data analysis. It provides color demographic profiles and mapping tool. The colorful demographic profiles give explains for each colorful area demographical characteristics. But their maps seem like can't zoom enough to get detail information.
website: OASIS
6. ER
"Our mission is simple: deliver to our viewers the most complete information possible on any destination." Yes, they do. Their demographic maps are the easiest understand one I have ever seem so far. Not so much detail information, but I think that's enough.
website: ER
Stephanie Rucker, RN, Jefferson Health Clinic
14 years ago
Very useful list. It will be even easier to use if you edit the post and make these URLs into clickable links.